A brilliant creative mind that has with a passion to help others.

Patricia Gagic is a brilliant creative mind that has with a passion to help others.  During the years I have known her, I have witnessed her strength of community goodwill as well as her desire to help out in third world countries.  She has a passion for children in order to help make their futures better as well as a compassion for adults who need a second chance.  Patricia is a pure soul who always opens herself up to give strength and encouragement where it is needed most.  She has a desire to share stories so that others are inspired to help strangers have a better life.  She gives her time and spirit for no other reason than to make you feel inspired.  She is an honest person who is always willing to give the best advice and is always there to help guide you through challenging times.  I feel honoured to know her and call her my friend.

Alipa Patel, Manager of Marketing & Communications,HECFI, Hamilton Entertainment and Convention Facilities Inc.

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