I have seen her not only help transform my life for the better, but many many more!

Patricia and I have been dear friends for 5 years now and I have seen her not only help transform my life for the better, but many many more! Patricia is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever had the privilege to know and it’s incredible to see her give so selflessly everyday! She’s the type of person that never asked for help, she always asks “How can I help”? That’s just the kind of person she is. I feel it has been long overdue for Patricia to get some well deserved recognition on all the hard work she does for our community and communities around the world. I admire Patricia’s spirit, her heart and her willingness to always do more for others. She understands the essence of what TRUE fulfillment is – Her efforts to better the lives of people around her, to love each person she meets and to never judge is amazing to witness! I care deeply about Patricia and I realize how important it is to have people like Patricia in our community. I wish she could be cloned! :) … In closing… I feel there is no better roll model for peace then Patricia Gagic – I know she will continue to bring peace wherever she goes and if recognize with this award I know she will inspire many more!

Thank You!

Brian Melo (Recording Artist, Singer/Songwriter, Canadian Idol Winner 2007)

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